Five Beginner Tips to Get Started in Marvel's Avengers
Now that Avengers early access has started, I wanted to share some tips for those that are just starting for the first time. My extensive time in the beta has allowed me to grasp the basics of the game and find out some things that not everyone may be aware of. Everything you need from upgrading gear, to stats and status effects will be covered in this guide.
Tip #1 - Don't Upgrade Every Piece of Gear
You will get a lot of gear pieces while you level up in Marvel's Avengers and they can be upgraded to become stronger and unlock gear perks. However, do not upgrade all the gear you get.
You will replace gear frequently while you level and the resources you use to upgrade that gear is also needed for gear at higher levels, including endgame. It will benefit you much more in the long run if you only upgrade gear when you absolutely need to, like if the missions start getting too difficult.
Tip #2 - Stats/Attributes Explained
There are 7 stats that increase the effectiveness of you hero in different ways.
Might - Increases Melee Damage
Precision - Increases Ranged Damage
Proficiency - Increases Critical Hit Chance and Perk Activation chance
Valor - Increases Critical Hit Damage and Heroic ability effectiveness.
Resolve - Increases Max Willpower (Health) and Willpower Recovery Effectiveness
Resilience - Increases Armor
Intensity - Increases Stun and Status Meter Damage and Status Resistance
Now, let me go a bit more in-depth on some of these.
Proficiency's increase of perk activation chance means the perks you will find on a piece of gear. Higher Proficiency will make it more likely to activate these special gear perks.
Valor's increase of Heroic ability effectiveness refers to the hero abilities, which includes damage or other support-oriented boosts.
A stun bar is the bar you see below an enemy's health bar. When this bar fills up, the enemy gets stunned and you can use a takedown.
A status bar is the bar you see above an enemy's health bar when you apply a status effect. More on that in the next section.
Tip #3 - Status Effects Explained
There are 6 different status effects that heroes can use against enemies.
Cosmic - Increases damage taken and heals heroes that attack the target.
Pym Particles - Shrinks target, increasing damage taken and decreasing damage target deals.
Shock - Increases damage taken and chance to critically hit target.
Plasma - Burn which gives a chance to interrupt their attacking. Some enemies are staggered by this effect.
Gamma - Poison damage over time that can spread to nearby enemies. Also causes a gamma explosion when killed with this effect active.
Cryo - Slows movement, decreases frequency of all actions, and disables some defensive abilities.
Tip #4 - Use Tactical Awareness to Find Secrets
Some missions have multiple bonus chests and objectives you can complete. If you use Tactical Awareness, you can find out where these areas are located. This is done by pressing up on the d-pad if you are using a controller.
The video below will give more details.
Tip #5 - Level Multiple Heroes and Challenge Cards
Even if you have a preferred hero, it can benefit you to level up the other heroes. Whenever you play solo, your personal progress for each A.I. controlled hero is used. They also use the same gear and skills you equip them with. This means that your solo play can be even more personal and easier if you level and customize each hero.
The challenge cards also unlock several things like resources, cosmetics, and credits. If you complete the challenges for each hero, your entire account benefits, even if you usually prefer to play 1 or 2 heroes.
Those are all 5 of my beginner tips for getting started in Marvel's Avengers. If you have any questions, or tips of your own, let me know!